A Little Bit About DolphinTrainer.com
Who We Are: The creators, designers and authors of this website are marine mammal professionals with many years of hands on
experience working with dolphins, whales, sea lions, seals, walruses, and other marine mammal species. Over the years we have written
and published articles, papers and book chapters on this subject.
Our Mission: To provide the most accurate, useful and compelling information, insights, graphics and resources available on the subject of
marine mammal care and training.
Site Dedication: DolphinTrainer.com is dedicated to the men and women who devote their lives to care for and train dolphins, whales, seals,
sea lions, walruses and other marine mammals.
Purpose of This Site: As part of our regular jobs we are often asked the same basic questions about the animals, our jobs, career planning,
etc. We have created this site to answer many of those questions and to share some of our insights and interests about a subject that we are
passionately committed to.
Sources of Information: In addition to our personally researched and authored work, we have collected and catalogued thousands of
scientific papers, articles, books, conference proceedings and other publications by some of the most respected experts in their fields. These
materials, along with original photographs, videos, art work, resource lists and personal experiences are being made available to you through
this website.
How to Help: All proceeds from sales at DolphinTrainer.com go to help defray the costs necessary to build and maintain this free website.
Thank you for your support!
A Little More About Who We Are:
When the editors, designers and other contributors first conceived of this website we decided not to post our names or those of employers for
several reasons:
1) We wanted the site to be independent and not to be about (or sponsored by) any particular facility.
2) We wanted the focus to be about the animals and all the people who dedicate their lives to care for and train them, not just about a few
particular people who contribute material.
3) We spend a lot of time at work answering questions, letters, phone calls and emails regarding our jobs, animals, etc. With all the traffic the site
gets, we did not want to have this same situation follow us home. (While we certainly enjoy teaching people about our animals and career field,
many of us don't even tell people what I do when we are out shopping, relaxing, etc., to avoid spending all of our free time "talking shop"). After
all, one of the main purposes of this site is to answer those questions in a way that everyone can have equal access to the information.

How to Contact Us: Unfortunately, due to staffing restrictions, we are unable provide personalized interviews for student projects,
individual career counseling, etc. We cannot respond to these types of requests. For all business related correspondence please send an
email message to: DolphinTrainer01@aol.com or write to us at:
1370 Trancas Street #402
Napa, CA 94558
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Feel free to copy our logo and add it to your own website along with a link to our homepage:
Copyright © 2000-2012 DolphinTrainer.com. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 13, 2012